What problem does Soccersac solve for parents with muddy kids?
The match or training session is over.
The kids are tired, ready to go home, but covered in mud.
The car is clean.
The car seats are dry and free from mud.
There's nowhere to clean the kids, except get them home.
How can the kids be carried home without the seats getting wet or covered in mud?
Soccersac solves this problem.
Simply unfold the Soccersac over the car seat to enable the kids to be carried in the car home.
- Fits all sizes of car seat in less than 5 seconds
- Is made from waterproof nylon
- Has no fiddly straps
- Extends down into the footwell, protecting the carpet as well
- Simply shake, wipe or wash in the washing machine.
- Convenient folds back into a pouch for reuse
Soccersac is available to buy online. Check them out here.
We've also written a guide to car seat covers, read it here.